Universal Conquest Wiki

Example of Antimatter function


The power to control Antimatter, a material composed of antiparticles. This is an incredibly destructive power, as collisions between particles and antiparticles leads to the annihilation of both, ignoring durability in the process and causing an explosive release of energy capable of eclipsing a nuclear bomb with only a small amount of antimatter.

In Real World Use[]

In the real world understanding of the study of Antimatter, it is a mirror existence to ordinary matter, with particles that has charges, mass and spin equally opposite of that of regular particles. When both types of matter of equal mass collide, they would effectively annihilate one another and release pure energy.

Antimatter once thought to be myth could likely be found on Earth in the form of cosmic rays hitting the planet from space. In reality, antimatter can be produced in nature by the decay of certain Potassium isotopes or by lightning in the midst of thunderstorms.

In Fiction[]

Because of it's origin and existence being rooted in studies and theories, this is generally considered fictional, and even in fictional works, it's usage is greatly speculated.

This is especially effective considering that even a single gram of antimatter reacting with a gram of ordinary matter would result in a 43 kilotons release of energy, which would easily destroy a town (approximately 3 times the potency of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima). However, roughly half of the energy would escape as non interacting neutrinos for a theoretical antimatter bomb.

Some characters may claim to be using antimatter based powers, but without evidence or proof, or without proper discussion would lead to issues especially in story, when people can interact with antimatter without any negative repercussions.
