Universal Conquest Wiki

This is the profile for Baroque Works for One Piece.


Baroque Works serves as a criminal organization of espionage, assassinations' and bounty hunting of pirates and other criminals alike. They have worked far and wide in the Grand Line under the radar of World Government forces and kingdoms, and came close to accomplishing their ultimate goal of a utopia via conquering an entire country.

Military structure/Weaponry[]


Main Leaders[]

  • Crocodile/Mr. 0


  • Nico Robin/Ms. All Sunday

Military Leaders[]

  • Officer Agents
    • Daz Bonez/Mr. 1
    • Zala/Miss Doublefinger
    • Bentham/Mr. 2 Bon Kurei
    • Galdino/Mr. 3
    • Marianne/Miss Goldenweek
    • Babe/Mr. 4
    • Drophy/Miss Merry Christmas
    • Gem/Mr. 5
    • Mikita/Miss Valentine
  • Frontier Agents
    • Mr. 6
    • Miss Mother's Day
    • Mr. 7
    • Miss Father's Day
    • Igaram/Mr. 8 (Undercover)
    • Miss Monday
    • Mr. 9
    • Nefertari Vivi/Miss Wednesday (Undercover)
    • Mr. 10
    • Miss Tuesday
    • Mr. 11 †
    • Miss Thursday
    • Mr. 12
    • Miss Saturday
    • Previous Mr. 7
    • Mr. 13
    • Miss Friday

Champions/Heroes/Notable Individuals[]

  • Billions
    • Akumai
    • Mr. Mellow
    • Mr. Love
    • Geronimo
  • Millions
    • Miss Catherina
    • Mr. Beans
    • Mr. Shimizu
    • Hercules
  • Other
    • Banchi
    • Lassoo
    • Karoo (Undercover)

Military Units[]


  • Regular Bounty Hunters
  • Millions


  • Billions


  • Erimaki Runners


  • Bananawani
  • Banchi


  • Giant Cannon


  • Billion Ships

Military weapons[]


  • Devil Fruits

Melee weapons[]

  • Swords
  • Spears

Ranged weapons[]

  • Rifles
  • Pistols


  • Cannons

Command Buildings[]

  • Rainbase Casino

Supply Buildings[]

  • Dance Powder Storage areas

Research & Arsenal Buildings[]

Production/Construction/Training Buildings[]

Other Buildings[]

Combative Buildings[]

Offensive Buildings[]

Defensive Buildings[]

Other Combative[]


Raindance Headquarters, Alabasta

  • Age founded/conquered: Unknown (It is unspecified when they established a foothold there, likely 3 years before the main story)
  • Territory type: Headquarters
  • Inhabitants: humans
  • Civilians: Unknown
  • Military: Unknown


Enter the following information in each section below.

Civilization Stats[]

Tier 12: Exploration They possess technology that allows them to explore the world with relative ease, ships that can sail in waters that are filled with sea king monsters and long distance communication tech.

Power Source[]

Energy Source: Unknown

Science: Weather Manipulation (With using Dance Powder to create artificial rain though it takes rain away from other areas)

Nature: Intangibility (Crocodile's Devil Fruit powers allows him to achieve intangibility via turning to sand) Supernatural Objects - Food/Drink (Many members possess a form of Devil Fruit powers) Human Physiology (Most of the organization are humans are skilled fighters as well has possess different abilities either supernatural or scientific) Animal Physiology (There are some members that are animals such as Mr. 13 and Miss Friday)

Conquest Stats[]

Unknown Tier Their forces are spread out across a significant portion of the Grand Line ocean, they possess a force of 2000 members, 1800 millions members and 200 billions members.

Power Stats[]

DC: Large Town: Crocodile at his peak should be comparable to Luffy who managed to break through the walls of an unground tomb. Large Town: The power behind the Baroque Works Bomb which would destroy everything in a 50 km diameter. Town: Daz Bonez being Mr. 1 should be close if not below Crocodile who is Mr. 0. Town: Other high ranked agents should be close or comparable to Daz Bonez such as Miss. Doublefinger and Bon Clay. City Block: other elite Agents' strength should be comparable to Luffy during Misty Peaks arc. Wall: The strength of Baroque Works cannons on ships. Street: The average strength of Baroque Works agents either with guns or melee.

Dura: Large Town: Crocodile has tanked many of Luffy's attacks when being hindered by water to solidify his body of sand. Town: The strength of Daz Bonez should be close to that of Crocodile being one number difference between and took hits from Zoro. Town: Miss Doublefinger and Bon Clay should be close to comparable to Daz Bonez. City Block: The durability of other elite Agents such as Mr 5. Small Building: The durability of Baroque Works ships. Street: The durability of standard Baroque Work agents.

Speed: High Hypersonic: Crocodile reaction speeds should be comparable and greater than that of Daz Bonez who reacted to Zoro's strikes. High Hypersonic: The reaction and combat speed of other elite agents. Athletic Human: The average reaction speed of Baroque Works agents.


They are capable of infiltrating social structures and even opposing military parties and have them confront each other in order to achieve their own goals. They could even lay traps for groups of targets that have bounties on their heads. They organize certain members to handle specific tasks, whether it be assassination, financial and messaging systems, They are secretive that they manages to keep quiet under the radar from even the Marines and other Kingdoms.


Despite being extremely secretive, any member that is compromised or true identities revealed would be marked for death and anyone else that knows about said information, especially for Crocodile's name. Many of the members are devil fruit users, and would be subjected to the same weaknesses with being mostly submerged in water to lose the ability to swim or make contact with sea prison stone which would make one extremely weak.

