Universal Conquest Wiki

This is a profile page for the First Sons organization from InFAMOUS.


The First Sons were originally a group of people from the Medieval Ages dedicated to the advancements of humankind but were cast out for being considered witches and demons. They made their new home in the Americas were they continued their progress. under the usurped rule of Kessler, they may accelerated advancements with futuristic tech and developing Conduit powers in people.

Military structure/Weaponry[]


Main Leaders[]

  • Leader
    • Richard Tate (Formerly)
    • Kessler (Recently)

Commanders/Officers/Other Leaders[]

  • Sebastian Wolfe
  • Joseph Bertrand III

Notable Individuals/Champions/Associates[]

  • Sasha (Ally)
  • Alden Tate (Ally)
  • Lucy Kuo
  • John White

Military unit[]


  • Field Operating Members


  • Aura Conduits
  • Cloaking Conduits


  • Heavy Weapons Members
  • Golems


  • Grenade Launcher Drones
  • Kamikaze Drones
  • UAV Drones
  • Turret Trucks
  • Gas Balloons

Military weapons[]


  • Conduit Gears

Ranged Weapons[]

  • Modified shotguns
  • Assault rifles

Melee Weapons[]

  • Blast Shields


  • Mines
  • Grenades
  • RPGs

Command Buildings[]

  • Ground Zero Facility

Supply Buildings[]

Research & Aresenal Buildings[]

  • Lab Area

Production/Construction/Training Buildings[]

Other Buildings[]

Combative Buildings[]

Offesnive Buildings[]

Defensive Buildings[]

Other Combative[]


Historic Distract

  • Age founded/conquered: Unknown
  • Territory type: Headquarters
  • Inhabitants: humans
  • Civilians: Unknown
  • Military: Likely in the Millions

Civilization Stats[]

Tier 9: Digital: The world is based on real world earth and they also are enhanced with knowledge of the future by Kessler and would have advanced technology.

Power Sources[]

Energy Source: Internal, Paraphernalia

Science: Weaponry Mastery (The members of the First Sons are trained to be skills fighters even against the likes of Conduit user Cole McGareth.) Human Physiology (The First Sons members are powered by the Ray Sphere with their own Conduits

Nature: Ability Development (Type 3 With the use of the Ray Sphere, some of their members have even developed their own Conduit powers.) Camouflage (With the Cloaking Conduits) Size Manipulation (Aura Conduits which can make them grow larger and become stronger relatively) Human Physiology (The First Sons other members are regular humans too)

Conquest Stats[]

Unknown Tier: They operate in the Historic District in the US, and has influence in multiple governments around the world, and their members swelled to the point that they are in the millions.

Power Stats[]

DC: City: Kessler is able to fight on par and slightly overpower Cole as he creates powerful earthquakes with his punches. At Least City: allies such as Sasha and Alden could match the likes of Cole in combat (Wall level in their weakened condition). Small Building-Building: With the use of Explosives. Wall: The strength of regular members with advanced gears. Unknown: The strength of regular member.

Dura: City: Kessler is capable of tanking his own Earthquake and could hold his own with Cole. At least City: The durability of allies such as Sasha and Alden. Wall: The strength of regular members.

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+: Kessler is able to dodge Cole's lightning attacks. Massively Hypersonic +: The reaction/Combat speed of Sasha and Alden with their Conduits. Athletic Human: movement speed of the regular members.

Skills Stats[]

The Organization is using advanced tech that superseded the present Earth which gives them an advantage to what regular tech people can do.


The Organization has agents and members operating in many areas around the world as scientists, public and political figures which gives them great influence and have skilled urban warfare.


Despite their advancements, their operations were easily dismantled by a lone Conduit user and some of his allies, also the organization was a means to an end for Kessler as he usurped it to save his own Timeline as a future Cole McGareth.


When a battle is decided, list the wins and loses below.

