Universal Conquest Wiki


"Cleave" is where a character's ability to separate into new forms and/or fuse anything together to create a new form or return together to achieve their original form of either oneself or others. The user can fuse/defuse together objects, powers, emotions, concepts, living beings, etc., turning them into single unit or multiple ones vice versa. This can be a form of Duplication, Possession or Creation of a new entity(ies).

Sometimes the fusion can be one sided or mutual, one-sided being that the user may have their original form despite fusing with someone and even possess greater power (Dragon Ball Z: Namekians Forbidden technique).

This can be done either by fusing two beings to create an entirely new being which would grant new strength and/or abilities, or reuniting the beings that were once divided to from an original whole and become once again and achieve their original powers, or divide said entities or things from what they were or are as to lessen the abilities of the original. This can be done in a permanent way to prevent the original power from ever being a threat. It can be done both ways or vice versa or separately.

This way the target or themselves are no longer active or existing but only through what was created in their place.


  • Type 1: Chimerism: A method of Fusionism which two or more entities or objects fuse but still show visible distinct parts of the original beings or a way to attach oneself to another or similarly as a gestalt twin, something that are either distinctly different from their original forms or have no relationship prior to fusing, they could likely have multiple body parts or organs, items or clothing. This can be called a "Amalgamation", "Gestalt", "Conjoined". they could likely have even multiple personalities or only one which is the combination of the others as well that exists at the same time or multiple powers from the fused beings.
    • Example: Chimeras (Greek Mythology), Chimeras (Full Metal Alchemist), Hybrids (StarCraft), Melagaland (Nanatsu no Tazai), Fusion Monsters (Yu-Gi-Oh!), Fusion Dance partners (Dragon Ball Z), Fused Zamasu/Goku (Dragon Ball Super)
  • Type 2: Existence Mitosism: A method where one entity is divided into two or more distinctly different beings, they either have their own personalities, powers or characteristics or inherit some of the original properties of the original whole, this could also include a splitting of the original's power. A method where two or more entities that were original one and the same reunify into the original entity, sometimes the reunion process may give the original form more power depending on how the split beings work in their former life.
    • Examples: Juubi (Naruto) via the The 9 Bijuus, Tathamet (Diablo) via the 9 Greater Evils, Sage of Six Paths (Naruto) via the Tailed Beasts, Chandler & Cusack (Nanatsu no Taizai) via the Original Demon

Possible Uses[]

  • Fusing together and Chemistry Manipulation, two distinct powers, to form Alchemy.
  • Fusing a television and a cellphone to create a holocron.
  • Divide an entity into two or more distinct beings to lesson the power of the former.
  • Fusing animals, people, creatures, etc. to create Chimerism, Hybrids, etc.
  • Splicing essence to separate their properties and use them for other uses.
  • Fusing Category: Powers and Enhanced Combat to create Combat Merging.
  • Fusing/Defusing various matter to create Matter Melding/Dividing
  • Fusing/Defusing powers to create Power Mixture/Separation.
  • Gene Splicing Can create hybrids.
  • Souls divide or merge together.
  • Combining attacks to create a stronger move
  • Conjoined Physiology
  • Mecha-Docking
  • Combining attacks or dividing them
  • separating one's own light and dark or other aspects of oneself.


  • Fusionism: With this type, the user(s) can fuse things, individuals or themselves together in order to create a new form or entity to achieve an even greater state of being, or if the entities/objects in question were originally one, this can achieve the return of one's original power, which would include but not exclude enhanced stats or sets of skills/abilities.
  • Division: With this type, the user(s) can divide things, individuals or themselves either to lessen the threat of a single/original individual/object/power, either from themselves or others. This can either be for stripping the original of some of their original abilities or levels of power, or remove any unnecessary aspects which the other forms will benefit from.


  • Dividing something or entity may not even lessen the result's power or even remove something hampering the original.
  • Not all fusions will lead to good results.
  • Fusing emotions might prove unstable or temporary.
  • Users of Immutability cannot be affected.
  • May cause Divided Mind if the separate minds don't merge.


  • "Cleave" in this case is an auto-antonym for both separating something as well as combining things together.
  • While there maybe some similarities between this and Duplication power, the essential difference is where the former is splitting an target which deprives the original of a certain aspect such as parts of personality, sets of power or types of existence to take on forms and lives of their own, while Duplication can retain all those things in the copies, the only likely drawback is cutting down on one's power the more duplicates there are.