Universal Conquest Wiki

These are the Oración Seis from the Fairy Tail (Verse) series.


Oración Seis is one of the strongest Dark Guilds in Earthland, though most guilds contains multiple members, this guild only possesses officially 6 wizards. They did managed to take on some of the strongest wizards at the time, and they sought to destroy the Light Guilds and replace them with Dark Guilds.

Team structure/Weaponry[]


  • Zero


  • Cobra
  • Cubellios
  • Hoteye
  • Midnight
  • Racer
  • Angel
  • Brain
  • Klodoa


  • Eisenwald
    • Erigor

Team weapons[]


  • Celestial Spirit Keyes
  • Knife
  • Nirvana

Command Buildings[]

  • Nirvana
  • OS Guild Hall
  • Worth Woodsea Cave

Supply Buildings[]

Research & Arsenal Buildings[]

Production/Construction/Training Buildings[]

Other Buildings[]

Combative Buildings[]

Offensive Buildings[]

Defensive Buildings[]

Other Combative[]


Their goal was to retrieve the Dark Magic "Nirvana" which was capable of turning "light" (good) into "dark" (evil). In other words, if this Magic was acquired, they could turn members of good guilds against each other and bring forth total chaos. They were, however, eventually defeated by the Allied Forces after initially crushing them.


Enter the following information in each section below.

Civilization Stats[]

Tier 13: Dark: The Oracion Seis exists in the same world as Fairy Tail which is a pseudo-medieval age fantasy world with castles and long swords.

Power Source[]

Energy Source: Paraphernalia, External

Magic: Vector Manipulation (Midnight with Reflector Magic can change the direction of magic attacks around him) Perceptual Awareness (Hoteye with his Heaven's Eyes can give him X-Ray vision) Poison Manipulation (Cobra with his Poison Dragon Slayer Magic) Perception Manipulation (Racer with his Slow Magic can alter the target's perception of time to make him look faster) Darkness Manipulation (Brain/Zero using Darkness Magic) Multiple Personalities (Brain and Zero are two minds of the same person with different powers) Sealing (The Six Prayers Body Link Magic is capable of sealing Zero Personality within Brain) Summoning (Angel is capable of summoning Celestial Spirits)

Nature: Human Physiology (The major members here are humans with magic within their body)


Other Tier: Unknown: The members of the team operate sometimes operate from their own castle or from a cave.

Power Stats[]

DC: Large Mountain: Zero which is the master of of Oracion Seis is the strongest member of the Guild. Small City: Midnight is comparable to that of Erza pre-timeskip. Small City: The strength of the other members of the Oracion Seis. Unknown: Nirvana's destructive power.

Durability: Large Mountain: Zero is able to take hits from Dragon Force Natsu Pre-Timeskip. Small City: Midnight was able to take hits from Erza Pre-Timeskip. Small City: The durability of the other Oracion Seis members. Unknown: Nirvana was able to survive an attack from Blue Pegasus' Christina bomber which is around Large Town level.

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+: Zero should be comparable in combat and reaction speed to Natsu Dragneel. MHS+: The movement and combat speed of the other members.


Their strength comes from their team work as they managed to defeat an alliance of wizards at one point. Their skills are diverse and have many roles that they can fulfill in times that would most require them, attack, defense, support, tanking, etc..


The wizards are considered expendable to their commander Brain, and individually if they are teamed up by stronger wizards, they would be at a disadvantage.


